Script – Season three ===================== Episode 16 ---------- :Dianne: We have the proof. There is a fault line. I demand a tribunal hearing. :Commander: We have stopped blasting, doctor. :Dianne: Yes, but for how long? :Hellegren: Only until it is clearly established that our construction work had nothing to do with this natural phenomenon. :Dianne: Who do you think you’re kidding? Of course it has. :Kellar: Where is your evidence? :Commander: Please, there will be a hearing in due course. In the meantime, doctor, may I remind you we have a conference to attend on the mainland? :Dianne: Of course, life goes on. :Hellegren: Would you wish to stop it? :Dianne: At this rate it may well be stopped for us. --------- :Benny: This is amazing. :Cass: Hot news. :Neri: Yes. :Lena: I think we’ve found another piece of the synchronium. :Neri: Good. We now only have small time. :Neri: HELEN’s zoomed in on a local newspaper article about a bright red glow in the southern sky. :Benny: Where was it sighted? :Lena: Somewhere here along the western plains. :Brett: Ace. So we get Kal to assess a landing point. :Neri: He will not come out of spaceship. :Brett: So we front him down there, then. :Neri: You must, Brett. With me and Jason he is still angry. --------- :Brett: Kal! You down there? :Cass: After you. --------- :Kal: So, Kal useful. :Brett: Hey, don’t give us a hard time. Nobody else can do it. :Cass: That’s the general area, and those are the points and times of the sightings. :Kal: I think. :Cass: Wish I knew how he does it. :Brett: Yeah. :Kal: Shhhh. Whisper, whisper. :Brett: We’re just saying that it’s good… :Kal: Neri and Jason whisper, too. All time secrets. :Cass: You’re jealous, that’s all. :Kal: Jealous? :Cass: You want them to like you more than they like each other. We all feel like that sometimes. It’s no big deal. Okay? :Kal: It’s not okay. :Brett: All right, so you’re feeling bad, but what’s more important? That or this? :Cass: Look, if we don’t get the synchronium together the whole world is in big trouble. :Brett: We could all be history, including you. :Kal: Fell there. :Brett: Somewhere called – dean’s gully. --------- :Cass: How much longer? :Brett: About an hour. :Cass: We got to get her to more water before that. :Brett: Okay, We’re try that place over there. :Guy: What’s going on? :Brett: Ah, she just needed a drink. :Guy: I can see that. So where’d you lot spring from? :Brett: Um, we’re on an excursion from school. :Cass: Geology. :Guy: How’d you get here? :Brett: Ah, bus to emu flat. :Women: Then I’ll bet you’re tired and hungry then. :Brett: Well… :Women: Well, you’re in luck. I’ve just made some scones and biscuits. :Brett: It’s about lunch time. What do you think? :Cass: Yeah. :Women: Good. Come on in. Getting warm, isn’t it? :Brett: Yeah, it is. :Women: There you go. Straight through to the kitchen. :Brett: Thanks. :Cass: Okay. *(music)* :Neri: Beautiful. :Women: Yes. People always admire that one. :Brett: Something smells good. :Women: Okay. --------- :Dianne: What are they doing on this level? :Winston: A very wise old saying, “don’t look at me.” --------- :Dianne: We’re talking about canisters of radioactive, heavy-metal isotopes being pushed around this complex on a trolley. Why wasn’t I informed? :Winston: As environmental officer. :Commander: I had to make a quick decision and there wasn’t time to consult you. :Dianne: Is this something to do with the new reactor UBRI are installing for ORCA city? :Commander: A minor glitch in the storage arrangements. They will be installed in the next couple of days. :Winston: But commander, when we saw the canisters they were on the gamma level. :Commander: That’s right. All the normal store rooms are in use. So the safest option I could find was the school section. :Dianne: You’re storing potentially lethal material in a school area? :Commander: It’s holidays. The place is deserted. :Dianne: Terrific. --------- :Brett: Thanks. :Women: My, you have got a thirst. :Neri: Sorry. :Women: That’s okay, there’s plenty. So I thought this was vacation time. :Cass: It is, but we’re doing a project. :Patti: Hi. :Women: Oh, hi, darling. I didn’t think you’d want to come out. :Patti: Is someone sitting in my chair? :Women: Oh, Brett, would you mind? :Brett: Oh, yeah, here you go. :Patti: Thanks. Sorry, I’m just used to sitting in the same spot, that’s all. :Neri: Why you feel the chair in that way? :Brett: She’s blind, Neri. :Neri: Blind? :Women: Ah, Patti has no sight at all, unfortunately. :Patti: That’s okay. It’s no big secret. There was a car accident. I hit the windscreen. I’m blind. End of story. So how come you wanted to keep the visitors all to yourself? I’m Patti. :Cass: Cass. :Brett: Brett. :Neri: Neri. :Patti: Neri. That’s a strange name. :Neri: Cannot see. Feel. :Women: These young people are on an excursion. Looking for fossils. :Brett: Yeah, we heard there’s some great ones around here, um, somewhere called dean’s gully. :Patti: Oh, see that picture up there, that’s dean’s gully. :Cass: Who painted it? :Patti: No one special. :Women: It’ll be really lovely out there now, too. :Patti: Yeah, with the gum trees in blossom. :Neri: You come with us. :Guy: Ah, no. No, that’s impossible, I’m afraid. Patti never goes anywhere without us. :Women: No, we have to be very careful. --------- :Brett: It’s no use. Kal must’ve been wrong. :Neri: No, he cannot be wrong. :Cass: Yeah, well, maybe it’s you that’s wrong. :Brett: Me? Don’t be crazy. It’s got to be here. Look, the co-ordinates, north-east one – :Cass: Good one, klutz. :Brett: Guys! :Cass: The capsule. :Neri: Gone. :Brett: Someone’s been here. :Cass: Yeah, UBRI. :Brett: No. It’s been gone for a long time. No tracks. --------- :Brett: We’ve come to say goodbye to Patti. :Women: She’s in her bedroom. :Cass: Thanks. :Cass: Patti? :Patti: Neri, thanks. :Cass: Look. :Brett: Hey, where did you get this? :Patti: Don’t. Sorry. I never let anyone touch that. Ever. --------- :Cass: Did you talk to her? :Neri: A little. She found the synchronium piece when here eyes could still see. :Brett: She found the capsule? :Neri: Yes. Walking alone. She said she kept it because she felt it was beautiful. :Cass: Well, did you tell her we really need it? :Neri: No. Not know way to say it. :Brett: Problem, huh? Well, at least UBRI haven’t got it. :Cass: Yeah, well, we’ve got a bit of time to work on her. Brett called ORCA and said we’d be staying the night. :Neri: Good. :Cass: There must be something we can say to her. :Neri: I will ask her. When time is right. :Cass: Good luck. What’s that supposed to be? :Brett: Dr. Hellegren. On a good day. --------- :Hellegren: What are you doing on board ORCA? :Lena: I live here. :Hellegren: With whom? :Lena: Dr. Bates. :Hellegren: I wouldn’t plan on a long stay. :Lena: There is nothing you can do about it. :Hellegren: Indeed. :Lena: I’m on work experience. I’ve been assisting Dr. Bates with her work and I’ve been registered as a guest of the family. :Hellegren: I can easily change all that. :Lena: If you don’t leave me alone, father, I will go public with all the hidden files I saw in UBRI’s computer and that’s a promise. :Hellegren: You’re bluffing. :Lena: Try me. --------- :Guy: So why colonize the oceans? You’ll only pollute them even more. :Cass: No way. ORCA’s there so we can research things that might solve all the problems. :Guy: Yes, well, if we hadn’t abused the earth in the first place, there’d be no need to look for an escape in the oceans. :Patti: Mum, I can manage. So, Neri, do you live on ORCA, too? :Neri: I go there. Often. :Patti: Sounds wonderful. :Women: Oh, yes. I remember. Out there near the reef. I went out there once when I was really little. Oh, the millions of fish and coral. The most fantastic colours and shapes. :Patti: Oh, sorry. :Women: It’s okay. It’s okay. I’ll get it. :Patti: Mum, please don’t fuss. :Women: Okay. :Cass: If you’re interested, there’s some information on ORCA we could send you… In braille, I mean. :Patti: No, that’s okay, thanks. What’s the point of finding out about something if I’m never going to see it? :Women: Oh, Patti. :Patti: I think I might go to my room. Goodnight, everyone. :Cass: Yeah, ’night. :Guy: Outsiders. It’s always the same. --------- :Patti: Who? :Neri: Neri. I can talk? :Patti: If you want to. :Neri: I know you hurt. :Patti: They treat me like I have to be wrapped up in cotton wool and then I go and do a clumsy thing like that. :Neri: There was no harm. :Patti: Except I spoiled the evening. I just wanted to be like a normal person. But I’m not normal, am I? :Neri: Is so important to be normal? You are special, I can tell. But I do not think you know it. :Patti: You sound so gentle. I know you have a lovely face. :Neri: And these pictures. You made them, yes? :Patti: Mum insists on putting them up. I don’t care one way or the other. :Neri: And you are angry because you cannot make these pictures any more. :Patti: Wouldn’t you be? --------- :Sallyanne: Ah, I missed it. You’re up early. Studying again? :Benny: Yeah, ah, bride duty again? :Sallyanne: What’s new? :UBRI: Did you forget your card, kid? :Benny: Yeah. :UBRI: Let him in. :Benny: What about – :UBRI: We’ll leave it open for you. :Benny: Thanks. --------- :Commander: Before we return to the conference, a brief reminder to keep on your toes. The routine monitoring of a complex like this is never quite routine. Carry on. :Morgan: Full systems check, HELEN. Back-up confirmation from every post, starting with you, Sallyanne. :Sallyanne: I’m ready when you are, Morgan. --------- :Brett: Hey, good morning. :Cass: Hey. :Women: Good morning. Sleep well? :Cass: Yes, thanks. :Brett: Yep. :Women: Oh, good. I better get some breakfast on then, eh? Where’s Neri? :Brett: I think she’s already up. :Cass: She probably went for a swim in the creek. :Guy: Where’s Patti? :Women: What? :Guy: Well, she’s not in her room and she’s nowhere in the yard. Patti! Patti! :Women: It’s just not like her, Doug. She hasn’t been herself lately. :Guy: She was all right, ’til yesterday. :Women: Patti! :Patti: We’re over here, mum. :Neri: She makes my picture. --------- :HELEN: Attention. Seismic activity detected. Tremor imminent. Tremor now occurring. Please secure all unsecured objects. :Morgan: Keep your eyes on those monitors! :HELEN: Attention, radiation leak on gamma level. School section, storeroom one-seven west. :Sallyanne: HELEN, confirm location. Gamma level? :HELEN: Confirmed. Bulkheads will now be sealed. :Jason: Must be those canisters mum was talking about. Lucky there’s no one down there. :Sallyanne: Benny! :Jason: What? :Benny: I saw him go in. :Morgan: His entry isn’t registered. :Sallyanne: He didn’t use his card. :Jason: Wait, HELEN. There’s someone in there. :HELEN: Negative. All personnel are clear. Fatal contamination level in that section will be reached in 4 minutes 23 seconds. --------- :HELEN: Attention. Radiation leak. Stand clear of all bulkhead doors. :Benny: Leave it open. No! --------- :Morgan: We can’t over-ride HELEN unless I notify the commander and I am not gonna drag him out of the conference on some wild theory. :Jason: We gotta go down there. :Sallyanne: HELEN won’t let us open the bulkheads. :Jason: Oh, yes, she will. :Morgan: What are you doing? :Jason: Taking the daily code. Come on. :Morgan: That is against orders. Get back here! --------- :Benny: HELEN! Come on, HELEN, let me out! :Jason: Theory is, in a code two emergency, this can over-ride. :HELEN: Daily code over-ride mode. Please state your requirements. :Jason: Open the bulkhead door, HELEN. :HELEN: Negative. Please refer to the commander. Fatal contamination level in 31 seconds and counting. :Jason: She won’t listen. :Sallyanne: Tell her you’re authorized. :Jason: HELEN, you’ve got my voice-print. I’m acting first officer Jason Bates. Open the door. Come on, hurry up. Let’s go. :Benny: What happened? What’s going on? :Jason: Don’t worry about it. Just get in. Come on. --------- :Women: Isn’t it like her? I can’t get over it, Doug. :Guy: It’s not bad at all. :Patti: Don’t make a fuss. :Cass: So, you all set to bake it? :Women: Oh yes, I’ll just stoke up the over. :Neri: And you will make more hand paintings? :Guy: Oh yeah, We’re sending off for some armature and some modeling clay this afternoon. :Brett: We really gotta go now or we gonna miss our bus. :Cass: Yeah, thanx for everything and the great food and all. :Women: It’s been a pleasure. :Guy: Yeah, hey thanx. :Patti: Neri, come. I don’t understand but I know you need it. :Neri: Yes. But I no like to take from you. :Patti: No, it’s okay. You’ve given me something better. *(music)* --------- :Commander: Acting contrary to orders. Leaving posts without permission. Unofficial use of daily code. Word on the boy, Dr. Bates? :Dianne: Yes, commander. The doctor’s put Benny through every radiation test we have. He’s in the clear. :Commander: Good. :Winston: The clean-up team have resealed the broken canisters and sent them back to the mainland. :Dianne: Where they should’ve gone in the first place. :Commander: Did the doctor mention what would’ve happened to Benny if he’d stayed down there any longer? :Dianne: If Jason and Sallyanne had delayed their rescue for even a few minutes longer, the dose of radiation would have been deadly. :Commander: There’s a lesson here. In an emergency the rules don’t always fit the case. Something, which perhaps on this occasion, cadet Clayborn, you forgot. Congratulations on a job well done. :Jason: Thank you, sir. *(music)*